Monday, 28 July 2014

Home is where you hang your cutters

With no money and no plans on where we were going to stay we didn't do too bad i suppose!

Road side lust

Do I look like a fucking spud!

so very recently we ended up in brighton with no money, no where to stay and no plan...just a bag full of paint and some sleeping bags.

We did what any normal person would do and set off to find a place to rack some beer...of course on a friday night every single place has an SG, but we achieved our goal. Anyway after cracking the first can we bump into these two! furthest away was Bandy and closest was Lionel, there was also their dog Shores. We sat down with them introduced ourselves and we ended up sitting with them for a good hour or two just swapping tales! The things we heard...

That day Lionel had lost his gold hoop earing while doing a somersault off the end of the pier.

They called this place piss city!

They told us they never stay for long they are always on the move, just like us!

keep your ears to the ground and your eyes on the blog for more in depth details of these two's story.

Friday, 18 July 2014


The dogs are on the roof!

To break it down for you this place is massive, these pictures dont even show how big the place was. it has tremors, cctv, on site security... the works! so we trip the alarm without knowing, we assume the cameras don't work. we get onto the roof and into the only access point and what do we see, police with 2 dogs off the lead! trapped like rats once again...

yo! they are sticking out the bag!

Growing old disgracefully